An introduction for an argumentative essay is the first paragraph of an essay, usually giving the reader a brief insight into the topic at hand. This introduction ought to provide some background information on the subject, its relevance and its importance in the modern world. Additionally, it should provide the reader with a glimpse of the writer's opinion and an indication of the arguments that will be discussed in the body of the essay.
An effective introduction should start with an interesting hook that grabs the reader's attention. This could be a statistic, a quotation from an expert, a relevant anecdote or a rhetorical question. Following this, a brief overview of the issue should be provided. This should explain the issue in greater detail and provide a context for the reader. It is important to present both sides of the argument for an effective introduction, as this allows for an unbiased view on the topic.
The introduction should then move on to the thesis statement. This is a sentence that summarises the writer's position on the issue and is supported by the evidence presented in the body of the essay. It is important to express this thesis succinctly and clearly to set the tone for the article. Finally, the introduction should also provide a roadmap of what is to come in the rest of the essay. This allows the reader to better understand how the argument will develop and how it will eventually be concluded.
In conclusion, an effective introduction to an argumentative essay should present relevant background information, draw the reader in with an engaging hook, explain both sides of the argument and clearly state a thesis statement. It should also provide a roadmap of how the argument will develop throughout the essay. If written well, this introduction should give readers a strong sense of what to expect throughout the remainder of the essay.