How to cite a article in an essay

Citing an article in an essay can be done in several ways. Depending on the citation style and format, the process may look different. Knowing which style and format to use is essential to completing this task correctly.

Generally speaking, citing a scholarly article in an essay requires two steps. First, the article should be properly listed in the bibliography, works cited page, or reference list at the end of the paper. This listing should include basic information such as the author name(s), title of the article, journal name and volume, date of publication, and page numbers. Be sure to follow the correct formatting for the chosen citation style.

Second, the article should be cited within the text of the essay itself. This involves providing an in-text citation that includes the authors last name and the year of publication. For more specific information on authors, titles, and other details, you may need to provide additional information in the in-text citation. To be sure you are citing correctly, consult a guide for the specific citation style you are using.

Using proper citations is an important part of academic writing. Citing sources accurately demonstrates that you have done your research and allows readers to easily locate the original source material. It also shows that you are integrating information ethically into your own academic work. Following the steps outlined above can quickly make citing scholarly articles in essays a breeze.

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